Mary Knoll "Weed Out" Saturday, May 2, 2009, 9am-12noon
Yes, it is that time of year again--plants are growing and greening up! Daffodils are blooming; Forsythia bushes are bursting forth with their welcome sprays of golden blooms. Unfortunately, the Garlic Mustard is coming up too. It's time to head over to Mary Knoll Park for the 5th annual Garlic Mustard Weed Out, on Saturday, May 2nd, from 9 am to 12 noon.
Garlic Mustard is a terrible invasive weed that if left alone will completely take over any area it is allowed to grow in. Area residents, Patty Gerner and family, have been been battling this thug at Mary Knoll Park since 1997. Because of their efforts, along with the help of the annual Weed Out teams, the Garlic Mustard is in retreat and the native wild flowers are making a comeback.
I have participated in several of the Weed Outs and always enjoyed them. The work isn't difficult and Brookfield's Park & Rec. Department provides large bags and will dispose of the weeds too. All you have to do is come prepared to work. They will even provide instruction! (Photo from past Weed Out.)
Do wear your gardening clothes and bring gloves. You might want a kneeling pad or mat and a water bottle. If it is a sunny day (we can hope) you might want a hat too.
Excerpts from the Parks, Recreation & Forestry flier:
This is an excellent community service project for any
organization, school or church group, family, or private
individual concerned about the environment and the
City parks.
Garlic Mustard disposal info: Download
Past Garlic Mustard Postings:
4th Annual Weed Out
3rd Annual Weed Out (with photos)
It is worth saving (pictures from Weed Out and wildflowers)
Oh, the shame! (photos and tips for evicting Garlic Mustard)
Weed control links: Garlic Mustard and garlic mustard's pretty cousin, Dame's Rocket. (It can take over native areas too.) Garlic mustard should be thrown in the trash and labeled Garlic Mustard: Do not compost.
Do wear your gardening clothes and bring gloves. You might want a kneeling pad or mat and a water bottle. If it is a sunny day (we can hope) you might want a hat too.
Excerpts from the Parks, Recreation & Forestry flier:
Who can participate?
Any interested individual or groupThis is an excellent community service project for any
organization, school or church group, family, or private
individual concerned about the environment and the
City parks.
Why participate?
To help our native plants and animals survive so that we can
continue to enjoy them. Garlic mustard is an invasive weed
introduced on the east coast by early settlers for its alleged
medicinal qualities and cooking. In our community it spreads
rapidly, overtaking wildflowers, native tree and shrub seedlings.
It then drives out animals, birds and insects that depend on a
diversity of plant species for food and shelter.
To Register,
Call the Parks, Recreation & Forestry Office
at (262) 796-6675.
(Registration is not mandatory, but gives us
an idea on how many volunteers to expect)
“Project Partners”: The Gerner Family, Boy Scout Troop 23,
Brookfield Central High School Key Club and UW-Extension
Rain or Shine!
continue to enjoy them. Garlic mustard is an invasive weed
introduced on the east coast by early settlers for its alleged
medicinal qualities and cooking. In our community it spreads
rapidly, overtaking wildflowers, native tree and shrub seedlings.
It then drives out animals, birds and insects that depend on a
diversity of plant species for food and shelter.
To Register,
Call the Parks, Recreation & Forestry Office
at (262) 796-6675.
(Registration is not mandatory, but gives us
an idea on how many volunteers to expect)
“Project Partners”: The Gerner Family, Boy Scout Troop 23,
Brookfield Central High School Key Club and UW-Extension
Rain or Shine!
You don't have to live near the park to participate. Last year a woman from the north side of Brookfield came to learn how to go about eradicating the weed from her neighborhood park. I think she was hoping to form a group in her area to work on their park. Great idea.
Mary Knoll Park is located at 615 S. Sunnyslpe Road, just south of the I-94 overpass bridge, in Brookfield.
See you there?
Mary Knoll Park is located at 615 S. Sunnyslpe Road, just south of the I-94 overpass bridge, in Brookfield.
See you there?
Garlic Mustard disposal info: Download
Past Garlic Mustard Postings:
4th Annual Weed Out
3rd Annual Weed Out (with photos)
It is worth saving (pictures from Weed Out and wildflowers)
Oh, the shame! (photos and tips for evicting Garlic Mustard)
Weed control links: Garlic Mustard and garlic mustard's pretty cousin, Dame's Rocket. (It can take over native areas too.) Garlic mustard should be thrown in the trash and labeled Garlic Mustard: Do not compost.
Practically Speaking, Fairly Conservative, Betterbrookfield, RandyMelchert, CNS News, Jay Weber, Mark Levin, Vicki McKenna Jay Weber, The Right View Wisconsin, The Heritage Foundation
Labels: Brookfield, Gardening, Helping others, Nature, Parks
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